Thursday, August 8, 2013

Nothing a Few Tears Won't Fix

Writer’s block today.  I think I’d forgotten how frustrating it can be, having suffered years of it.  I know how I want the story to proceed, but I’m stuck at a point and don’t know how to get it from here to that next plot point that will allow me to continue.  So it goes.  These things happen, I suppose.  I just need to buckle down and push through.  I also keep looking at my story from last month for revision, but I’m just not sure what I want to say with it, so I haven’t made any progress on that one, either.

Last night’s SWARMiversary game was Mushroom Age.  We couldn’t start till Valentine got home, as excited as he was to see it, so we killed some time with Super Meat Boy.  I actually kinda like that game.  It’s clean, easy to play, lots of challenge, good music.  I feel like I’m not good at video games anymore, so it’s nice to be able to play at least a little bit of one of those famously difficult games.  I didn’t make it too terribly far, but far enough for me, despite Gogas calling me casual cancer.

Then, we started up some of the infamous Mushroom Age.   It’s a great game and a lot of fun to cast.  Unfortunately, Twitch is shit.  They’re hosting an ENORMOUS DotA 2 tournament, and because they’re complete idiots and total greedy amateurs, they are woefully illequipped for it, so they’re fucking over all the other casters.  I know that we don’t bring in money.  I know that we don’t bring in viewers.  But, dammit, we’ve been casting for three years, and this is the SWARMiversary.  It’s a very special week for us, this celebration of the SWARM.  So, last night, our cast kept dropping because shitty Twitch doesn’t not know how to code or handle server stress. 

I dunno.  I know it’s a lot of whining, but it’s very frustrating and very disheartening, because Haley and I have been looking forward to this week for a long time.  Honestly, it’s very disappointing and depressing, and it kinda makes me want to just cry like a little dumb baby.  It’s just crushing disappointment.  Oh, well.  So it goes.

Tonight we’re supposed to do the highlight show, but buggered if we know if it’s going to happen, shittygoddamnedtwitchmotherfuckers.  I just feel like it’s going to get worse, and it’s going to become more and more of a place that has no room for us anymore.  But, what can do we do?  Stupid motherfuckers are the only game in town. 

We went to Office Max today.  I kinda like that store, I think I dig all the stuff they sell.  I looked at the keyboards they had for sale, and I think that if I buy a new keyboard, it’ll be one of those cool ergonomic ones that are split in half.  I’m not going to be gaming with it; I have my cool G13 for that.  It would be for typing only, so it might be a good choice.  I also spent a little time with a mechanical Black Widow Ultimate.  It was pretty hot, but very pricey.

Yesterday I played about an hour of Skyward Sword.  Man, I’d really like that game a lot if it didn’t have the stupid motion controls.  I’d kill for a controller mod for that game.  I still like it, but that controls are a heavy mark against it, unfortunately.  The soundtrack is really good, so that brings the score back up.

Holy smokes, this entry is all over the place.  Does Youtube do live streaming?   

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