Thursday, April 6, 2017

Wife Food is Best Food

So, I’m in a pretty crabby mood right now, what with the terrible connection up here, the lack of sleep, and the failure of that Twine game.  And it’s too dark to read, and the interruption every two minutes kills any momentum I gain.  I’d like to get out of this little funk, so I decided to list all the things that I like less than Doo’s cooking.

With no further ado, here is a list of foods that aren’t as good as my wife’s meals.

Mass Effect 3 has a Bad Ending

Bit of preface.  I haven’t thought about Mass Effect in a couple years.  Not terribly interested in Andromeda, since Bioware quality has severely declined, and AAAs in general don’t interest me anymore.  And I wait for sales on everything, anyway.  Plus, reviews haven’t been kind. 

Regardless!  I haven’t thought about ME in a while, and out of the blue, my best good friend Matt brings it up.  And commits the cardinal Kyle sin of not only being okay with something I vehemently hate, but also bringing up the fact that I hate it so much.

So, long story short, I am a shit person and I should not care about videogames.  Also, sorry, Matt.